The Broadsword was the primary weapon of the Highland warrior for almost two hundred years and was feared all over Europe and the Americas. Maryland KDF’s new Scottish Martial Arts program focuses on the Scottish schools of broadsword fencing, specifically the teachings of Henry Angelo, Charles Roworth, Thomas Page, and George Sinclair. Our primary focus is on the tradition of the broadsword, whose teachings were recorded and practiced by both Highland warriors and soldiers all over Great Britain.
This study group's schedule is Thursday nights at our normal time and space.
If you would like to join, you must have completed the Maryland KdF Beginner's Longsword Class.
Once you have done that, please contact the instructor, through the form below, to see if you can join a session.
At minimum, participants should bring light fencing gloves - leather, rapier, or saber will do - and a fencing mask.
If you have a broadsword or saber, please bring that as well. Loaner gear is limited.
For a broadsword of your own, reputable manufacturers include: Jesse Belsky Stageswords,
Castille Armory, Darkwood Armory, and Armourclass.
Others will need to be inspected before they are allowed.
Jonathan MacKenzie Gordon